Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Carlos HernandezVaquero
Carlos is a Program Manager in the areas of AI and IoT at Bosch in Germany. He previously took the role of Project Security Manager, Software Product Owner, and Software Engineer. During the last few years, he has led the development until the market release of 4 Bosch IoT products, several data-centric development activities, and over 20 mobile apps with teams distributed around Europe and Asia. In parallel to his job, he is a researcher in Machine Learning systems as a Ph.D. student. He has founded and currently organizes the TinyML community in Germany with over 350 members. He also likes to give back as an AWS Community Builder in the ML category, Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador, GitHub Campus Expert, and Super-Mentor in several of the Coursera specializations. He has over 12 technical certifications from AWS, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and CompTIA, most of them in the Cybersecurity and ML domains. Lately, he is participating as a Program Mentor in the IBM Hyper Protect Accelerator program, advising promising Startups in the Cybersecurity space. Carlos likes to keep learning and researching to be always at the front of innovation with an open mind and positive spirit. He will be happy to connect over LinkedIn and discuss with you in a pro-bono mentoring session in The Mentoring Club.
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