Course Overview

Are you an aspiring Chief Information Security Officer or Security Operations Manager or Security Architect who has been struggling with your current progression in this field and want to quickly take your career to the next level? The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is the executive responsible for an organization's information and data security. The CISO directs staff in identifying, developing, implementing, and maintaining processes across the enterprise to reduce information and information technology (IT) risks. They respond to incidents, establish appropriate standards and controls, manage security technologies, and direct the establishment and implementation of policies and procedures.

In this course, you will learn about what CISOs are and where they fit within an organization's structure, who they report to and what their responsibilities are, what skills and expertise you need to land your first role as a CISO, what challenges CISOs typically face in their role, and finally common traits that successful CISOs have. While this course will teach you how to become a CISO, it has also been designed to make you a more effective cyber security expert. This Chief Information Security Officer Master Class covers critical aspects of the CISO that will help you add immediate value to your cyber security career. Best of all, the course has been structured in an easy-to-follow format and includes course notes so you can continue your education offline.

By the end of this course, you will have all the skills and expertise required to become a CISO.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to become a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).
  • Learn what qualifications you need to become a CISO.
  • Learn what skills you need to be an effective CISO.
  • Learn what a CISO does day-to-day.
  • Learn what challenges a CISO faces.
  • Learn how a CISO runs an effective security team.
  • Learn what mistakes a CISO makes
  • and how to avoid them.

Program Curriculum

  • What is a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)?
  • Who Does the CISO Report To?
  • What Skills Does a CISO Need?
  • What Skills Does a CISO Need? Part II
  • What Skills Does a CISO Need? Part III
  • What Certifications Does a CISO Require?
  • What Does Day-to-day Look Like?
  • What are the Major Challenges of the Role?
  • What Makes a Great CISO?
  • Further Reading and References
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Theodore Panagacos

For almost 20 years my career has largely been invested in management consulting where I have worked with C-suite Executives and have led large-scale IT strategy, enterprise architecture and cyber security projects for global commercial and government clients across industries such as banking, defense, mining, utilities and retail. I have also designed and executed numerous digital strategies, cloud migration reviews, cyber security roadmaps, enterprise architecture, business optimization, infrastructure and service delivery strategies that improved organization processes and created competitive advantage. My book "The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management" is an Amazon dot com best-seller and has sold more than 25,000 copies world wide.

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