Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
May Ladd
May Ladd has 20 Years experience as Senior Consultant, Trainer and Director in the field of Information Security, Data Protection, eDiscovery, Data Governance, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) including Records Management and Document Management. He has worked for a complete cross range of companies within the public and private sectors including: Government, Education, Finance, Legal, Health, Oil/Gas, Professional Services, Charity and Not for Profit. Supported the Implementation of ISO27001 compliance for several organizations. He has 10+ years training experience across UK, Europe, Middle East and SE Asia covering information security, document management, records management and data protection. His qualifications include: • MSc Advanced Software Engineering - Aston University, Birmingham (UK) – Chartered Engineer Accreditation • BSc Mathematical Sciences with Computer Science – City, University of London (UK) • HND Mathematics, Statistics and Computing - Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
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