Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Benjamin Jacobson
Bringing over a decade of hands-on experience in the IT sector, Benjamin Jacobson is an accomplished network engineer. His proficiency spans across intricate domains including network infrastructure design, seamless deployment strategies, and adept debugging techniques. Benjamin's unwavering commitment lies in fortifying security measures and fine-tuning network performance for organizational excellence. With a robust grasp of Juniper Networks technology, he holds certifications like JNCIA-Junos, facilitating his seamless navigation through complex networking environments. Beyond his technical acumen, Benjamin serves as a passionate educator, sharing his expertise through meticulously crafted workshops and courses aimed at grooming future network professionals. Over the span of eight years, Benjamin has honed his skills in the dynamic field of information technology, dedicating four years specifically to network engineering across diverse settings—from small-scale offices to state government service providers.
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Everything in Pro and
- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
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3 Official EC-Council Essentials Certifications¹ (retails at $897!)
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.