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Ryan Wisniewski
Ryan is a distinguished cybersecurity leader renowned for his remarkable accomplishments across diverse industries. With an illustrious track record of building highly successful security programs, portfolios, and organizations, Ryan specializes in Incident Response. His unwavering dedication to empathetic leadership, fostering a blameless culture, and instigating sustainable change management principles sets him apart as a guiding force in the cybersecurity landscape. As the current Incident Response Lead at Obsidian Security, Ryan channels his expertise into delivering elite incident response solutions that cater to the unique needs of each customer. He is committed to delivering actionable insights, advanced threat intelligence, and expeditious remediation strategies to reduce the impact of cyber security incidents around the world. Ryan's professional journey includes his role as the Incident Response Lead at Elastic N.V., where he orchestrated the development, enhancement, and seamless operation of Incident Response. He masterminded the Distributed Dynamic Response Program, aligning the organization with security frameworks such as MITRE ATT&CK and NIST 800-61. By implementing a Threat Intelligence Driven Response operating model, he optimized security event and response consistency and efficiency. Prior to his tenure at Elastic, Ryan held pivotal positions at prestigious companies including Paylocity, Zurich Insurance, ACH Food Companies, and McMaster-Carr Supply. His achievements span a spectrum, from establishing and nurturing successful security teams to orchestrating transformative security technology implementations. Ryan's credentials include renowned industry certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), GIAC Information Security Professional (GISP), GIAC Strategic Planning, Policy, and Leadership (GSTRT), GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GCIH), GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC), GIAC Cloud Penetration Tester (GCPN), and SANS Security Awareness Professional (SSAP). Ryan's educational journey continues in pursuit of a master’s degree in information security from the esteemed SANS Technical Institute, alongside a master’s in business administration with a specialized focus on Organizational Change Leadership from Northern Illinois University. Ryan Wisniewski stands as a beacon of expertise and innovation within the realms of incident response, security architecture, and risk management. His unwavering dedication to excellence continues to make a resounding impact in the field.
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