Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Carmen Balan and Gabriel Avramescu
Carmen -Carmen Balan is a skilled Linux System Administrator with over four years of experience, holding an M.Sc.Eng. in Computer Science. She is certified in several key areas of her field, including LPIC-1: System Administrator, LPIC-2: Linux Engineer, ITILv3 Foundation Level, and AWS Solution Architect Associate. Carmen is passionate about Linux and is eager to share her extensive knowledge and expertise with others.Gabriel - Gabriel Avramescu is a highly experienced Senior Information Security Consultant specializing in ethical hacking and penetration testing. He works to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in data centers, applications, and network infrastructures, emulating adversarial tactics to assess security defenses. His expertise covers black box and white box testing, manual and automated code reviews, and the use of advanced testing tools for vulnerability assessments. Gabriel provides detailed reports and recommendations to help organizations strengthen their security postures. He is also proficient in analyzing web applications, web services, operating systems, and security architectures to uncover weaknesses and assist in developing remediation strategies.In addition to his consulting role, Gabriel is an accomplished IT trainer, offering courses in CEH, ECSA, CHFI, ECIH, and ICS-SCADA Cybersecurity from EC-Council, as well as Cisco CCNA and Linux Essentials. His extensive certifications include OSWE, CREST Registered Penetration Tester, OSCE, OSWP, OSCP, CHFI, ISO 27001 Lead Auditor, ECSA, CEH, CCNA, and CCNP, along with expertise in VMware and Microsoft technologies. Gabriel’s wide-ranging skills and credentials enable him to excel in cybersecurity, helping organizations protect their critical assets and information.
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- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.