Course Overview

One of the main concerns we have is that we can't be sure about the security of our infrastructures; nobody can guarantee that they do not have a compromise or leak of information in their entities. How to increase our capabilities and controls to reduce the attackers' possibilities and make it more difficult for an adversary to steal your information or generate any kind of incident is a permanent question and need for all the Companies and Entities in the world. 

In this course, from a hands-on perspective, we are going to cover the distinct aspects of OPSEC providing insights, recommendations, tests, and techniques that you can use at once to harden your infrastructures and protect critical assets. You will also learn the fundamental principles of Operations Security (OPSEC) and gain practical skills in applying them effectively within your environment. The curriculum covers the crucial task of identifying Critical Information and Indicators (CII), enabling you to discern and prioritize essential data for safeguarding. Additionally, the course delves into the intricate realm of Attack Vectors, empowering you to distinguish and comprehend the various methods adversaries employ to breach security. You will also develop proficiency in analyzing threats and vulnerabilities, allowing you to assess and mitigate potential risks comprehensively. The program extends to the practical aspect of executing controls and countermeasures, providing hands-on experience in implementing security measures to fortify your systems. Furthermore, the course emphasizes the importance of incident reporting, ensuring that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively communicate and manage security incidents.

By the end of the course, you will have a complete set of tools to be better prepared to face today's cyber risks.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand OPSEC and apply it in your environment
  • Identify critical information and indicators (CII)
  • Distinguish and comprehend Attack Vectors
  • Analyze threats and vulnerabilities
  • Execute controls and countermeasures
  • Report incidents

Program Curriculum

  • OPSEC Concepts and Definitions
  • OPSEC Cycle
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Information Concepts
  • How to Identify Your Main Assets and Priorities?
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Threat Landscape
  • Actors and Adversaries
  • Types of Threats
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Attack Vectors
  • Attack Surface
  • Threat Modelling
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Risk Concepts and Risk Assessment
  • Risk Assessment Tools
  • OPSEC Assessment
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Concepts
  • Incident Response Fundamentals
  • Reports and Recommended Content and Structure
  • Cyber Deception
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Don’t Overexpose
  • Pentesting Lab Setup with OPSEC Measures
  • Incorporate OPSEC in Your Pentesting Exercises
  • Creating Your Reports
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • OPSEC Checklist
  • Key Considerations
  • OPSEC Roles
  • OPSEC Career Path
  • Chapter 7 Quiz
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David Pereira

David Pereira, founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of SecPro, is a Published Author, International Speaker, Trainer, DoD +8570 Instructor, Researcher and Consultant with over 27 years of experience in the field of Cybersecurity and Computer Forensics, which has developed consultant activities in Ethical Hacking, Red Teaming, Penetration Testing, Computer Forensics and Malware Analysis, for many national and international companies, entities and agencies. He has experience in multiple areas such as finance, energy, military, diplomatic, mining, among others. Moreover, he has given many talks at various events, security and technology, where we can mention conferences and training for DoD, FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (Federal Bureau of Investigation), US Air Force, Secret Service, US. Marines, INTERPOL, CBP and more. He is an Ec-Council Master Trainer, International Instructor and materials creator, distinguished with the award for Instructor of the Year 2011 and Ec-Council Circle of Excellence Award 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2018, and Instructor of the Year 2016 and 2017.

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