Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Daniel García Baameiro & Pedro Javier Fernández
Daniel García Baameiro is a computer engineer who started his steps when he was in high school. When he arrived at the university and saw that there were no cybersecurity subjects, he decided to set up an association, a hacking group, and two cybersecurity events in collaboration with other members. He currently works as a member of a red team and specializes in offensive cybersecurity. He has been a speaker at several cybersecurity events and loves to share everything he learns. Likewise, he has certifications such as OSCP. Pedro Javier Fernández is an embedded software engineer and hardware hacking enthusiast since he was a teenager. His interest sparkled by hacking the hardware of Nintendo consoles and video games, as well as routers and other devices found in his house. Later, he turned that passion into a career-making embedded device more secure and researching hardware attacks on modern microcontrollers. Pedro loves giving talks and has taught hundreds of students at universities about hardware security as well as free software. In his free time, he enjoys writing a personal blog about technology and will make sure to help everyone in the learning process.
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