Course Overview

Deep Learning has emerged as one of the most powerful Machine Learning techniques in recent times and has produced groundbreaking results across various applications ranging from self-driving cars to artistic creations such as generating paintings or composing music. And PyTorch is one of the most popular deep learning frameworks which enables fast and efficient development of all kinds of deep learning models. The best way to learn PyTorch is to learn by coding. This course is developed in a learning-by-coding format and will help you gain the practical and the necessary theoretical skills needed to develop deep learning models using PyTorch.

The course will first introduce the customer to Pytorch. It will explain what advantages it has compared to other popular deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow and why it is becoming increasingly popular in use. From there we will explore what Deep Learning is and how it fits in as a branch of Machine Learning, as well as its practical uses today. We will then explore core principles of Machine Learning and relate those principles to fundamental classification methods in Deep Learning. Before we are ready to dive into projects, we will learn about PyTorch’s relationship to Numpy, what goes into building a framework, and implement a custom Deep Learning framework built-in Numpy.

The following sections are all project-based lessons that engage the customer with the ‘learning by coding’ technique along with lectures that explain how the notebooks work with code along with videos. These projects will focus on Computer Vision, first introducing the customer to DCNN followed by different techniques, practices, and types of modeling. The last two projects will expose the customer to sequence models and walk through how an image can be classified with a sequence model as well as expose the student to Natural Language Processing.

By the end of this course, you will have a working knowledge of the deep learning concepts and how they relate to traditional machine learning. You will have an in-depth understanding of the PyTorch library, how it works and why it is an efficient deep learning framework. Most importantly, you will get a rich hands-on experience of building complex deep learning models using PyTorch thanks to the various projects covered in the second half of the course. After completing this course, you will be able to extend your practical knowledge of PyTorch to build your own deep learning models and work on more advanced deep learning projects.

What You Will Learn

  • An intuitive understanding of the mathematical concepts within deep learning
  • Inside out understanding of the PyTorch deep learning framework
  • Relationship between traditional machine learning and deep learning
  • Implementation details behind the concept of a tensor
  • Hands-on experience of training and testing a deep convolutional network in PyTorch
  • Learn how to load pre-trained model graphs and weights and fine-tune them in PyTorch
  • Building an end-to-end application using PyTorch: a style transfer model
  • Using sequential models in PyTorch to perform computer vision and sequence modelling tasks

Program Curriculum

  • PyTorch – The Inception
  • PyTorch Sensor
  • Torch.nn Module
  • Torch.optim
  • Torch.utils
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Neural Network Layers
  • Neural Network Architectures
  • Activation Functions
  • Optimization Features
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Linear Regression – The Basics
  • Writing Linear Regression in PyTorch
  • Linear Regression - Theory
  • Coding Logistic Regression Model using PyTorch
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Scalars
  • Vectors
  • Matrices
  • Tensors
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • NN from Scratch with NumPy - Part I
  • NN from Scratch with NumPy - Part II
  • NN from Scratch with NumPy - Part III
  • NN using PyTorch
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Define a DCNN in PyTorch
  • Define Model Training and Testing Routines
  • Loading, Transforming, and Visualizing the Dataset
  • Train DCNN Model and Save the Trained Model
  • Loading and Evaluating the Trained DCNN Model
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Loading, Transforming, and Visualizing the Dataset
  • Loading and Modifying a Pre-trained Model
  • Define the Transfer Learning Model
  • Train the Transfer Learning Model
  • Visualize Predictions from Trained Model
  • Chapter 7

  • Neural Style Transfer: Introduction
  • Loading and Modifying a Pre-trained Model
  • Load and Refine a Pre-trained VGG19 Model
  • Initialize a Random Image and Define Gram Matrix
  • Train a Neural Style Transfer Model, Monitor the Training Process
  • Chapter 8 Quiz

  • Loading, Transforming and, Visualizing the Dataset
  • Define the Model Hyperparameters and Architecture
  • Instantiate model and Run the Model Training Loop
  • Evaluate Performance on Test Set and Visualize Predictions
  • Chapter 9 Quiz

  • Load, Preprocess, Transform, and Inspect Dataset
  • Define and Instantiate the RNN Model
  • Define Model Training and Testing Routines
  • Run the RNN Model Training Loop
  • Make Predictions Using the Trained RNN Model
Load more modules


Ashish Ranjan Jha

Ashish Ranjan Jha is a Machine Learning Engineer. He balances his professional time between developing ML Computer Vision solutions and Data pipelines in the FinTech industry currently, and InsureTech industry in the past. Among other things, he is brought onto teams to implement Machine Learning ecosystems. His ability to take complex ideas and compress them into simple, intuitive explanations has allowed him to work with diverse teams of people. In his spare time, he can be found recording music, doing freelance ML work or writing blogs/books on AI/ML.

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