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Felipe Costa
Felipe is an ICS (Industrial Control System) Cybersecurity Expert with more than + 16 years inside the industry dealing with different technologies. He is the cybersecurity director of ISA (International Society of Automation) in Brazil. ISA is responsible for the industrial cybersecurity standard IEC-62443 to protect critical systems. Felipe is also the current Technical Cybersecurity Responsible in LATAM at Moxa. He is in charge of the cybersecurity projects providing secure topologies, technology recommendations to smart grid applications in more than 20 countries and cooperating with US cybersecurity experts. Felipe is also an international speaker & author of technical articles published globally in the field of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and more recently, in how to enhance cybersecurity with artificial intelligence usage. He had the opportunity to present in different countries and events, including the artificial intelligence and cybersecurity event to NASA experts in the US. He has more than +20 Cybersecurity certifications in different US universities including the US homeland security department training for protecting industrial control systems, besides a Master Science in Industrial Cybersecurity in Spain.
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