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Domagoj Marsic
Meet our author, Domagoj Marsic, a veteran professional with 15+ years of hands-on experience in systems and software development. He's honed his expertise at renowned organizations such as Sendoso, Amazon, IBM, and Erste Bank. In his recent role at Sendoso, Domagoj played a key part in implementing the Internal Development Platform and migrating legacy systems to modern, self-service solutions powered by Kubernetes and AWS. His career journey includes roles as a Systems Development Engineer and Software Development Engineer at Amazon, contributing to Amazon Product Search. At IBM, he managed deployments for notable European clients, specializing in web and application servers. While at Erste Bank, he led teams through intricate infrastructure projects, fostering seamless collaboration between IT operations and software development. Domagoj earned certifications as a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE), highlighting his proficiency in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and services like Apache HTTP Server. In his free time, he explores Python, Go, and Julia, experimenting with various proof-of-concept projects. Domagoj's deep interest in privacy underscores his belief in the significance of secure and private environments in today's interconnected world. As an instructor, he's committed to sharing his wealth of experience, empowering your journey as a skilled and innovative developer. Join him on an engaging and transformative learning adventure to unlock your full potential under his expert guidance.
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