Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Reza Zaheri
Reza Zaheri is a cyber security professional with over 15 years of leadership and hands-on experience working Cyber Security with Fortune 100 companies. He has lived and breathed cyber security for a very long time: having spent the first few years of my career conducting numerous security assessments and managing a Security Engineering team. He has then moved on fight the bad guys on the cyber front lines for the past 10 years, by directing Digital Forensics and Incident Response teams for Fortune 100 companies. He was responsible for incident detection, investigation and digital forensics of all cyber security incidents across the United States, as well as providing digital forensics assistance to Latin American regional offices. He managed and participated in hundreds of investigations, working with the FBI and DHS at times, and saw first hand how the bad guys were trying to break into our computers, emails, mobile phones and networks. And it was also during this time, using all the first-hand knowledge he had gained over the years, that he decided to create my very own Enterprise Security Awareness program, whereby he presented the engaging cyber security training either in-person, or via online videos, to 30,000 of his fellow employees across the United States and Latin America.
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.