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David Taxer
David Taxer's multi-decade career includes many highly successful pursuits and positions supported by extensive experience in SEO, CRO, penetration testing, digital footprinting, business development, and management. Firsthand experience gives him insight into the insider threat perspective of cybersecurity and the necessity of considering insider threats and social engineering in security testing and threat modeling. His knowledge led to a partnership with SecTheory providing expertise in penetration testing, threat modeling, and investigations. InfoSec accomplishments include creating complex threat models leading for organizations that have allowed organizations to identify both routine and interesting threats, and once even led to the discovery of a decade-long internal threat costing millions in damage and exposing significant consumer personal information. Mr. Taxer is an active member of Trace Labs, an organization that manages online searches for data on missing person cold cases and is also highly active on He is also a well-known participant at major SEO conferences and the annual SANS OSINT Summit. He maintains his SEO and digital footprinting knowledge by participating in these organizations' activities.
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