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Ankit ShuklaAshwin Pajankar
Ankit Shukla is a self-taught data scientist working in the data space since 2014. He is well versed in deep learning, machine learning and Big Data technologies and holds a bachelor’s in engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra with a major in Biotechnology. His focus areas include Predictive Modelling, Recommender Systems and Natural Language Processing. He is deeply passionate about data science and is always on a look out to give back to the community. His other published works include a paper on developing an enterprise recommender system, 2 papers on Generative Adversarial Networks and the book - Big Data Analysis with Python.Ashwin Pajankar is a Science Popularizer, a Programmer, a Maker, and an Author. He holds a Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIIT-H). Ashwin has published more than a dozen of books on Python Programming, Test Automation, Raspberry Pi, Computer Vision, Arduino, and Supercomputing with reputed global publishers like Packt, Apress, Leanpub, and BPB. He has earned many professional certifications in the areas of development, administration, and testing from Oracle, IBM, Informatica, Teradata, and ISTQB. He has over a decade of work experience in a few big brands like Cisco Systems and Cognizant in technical roles. He also has worked in a couple of startups in technical leadership roles.
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Transforming Business Decisions with Data Analytics - Advanced
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- Full Video Access
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- 6 months of access to virtual labs
- Once redeemed, this bundle will be valid for 12 months
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- Exam Voucher + Retake
Transforming Business Decisions with Data Analytics - Advanced
Transforming Business Decisions with Data Analytics - Advanced
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