Course Overview

Wireshark is the de facto standard in network analyzer tools. With more than 500,000 downloads a month, the IT industry has embraced Wireshark as the go-to tool for network troubleshooting, optimization, and security. Wireshark is one of the most popular network analyzer tools available worldwide Whether you need to perform a security application analysis or troubleshoot something on a network.

One of the most obvious applications of Wireshark is the ability to capture network traffic and look at it from the perspective of learning. Identifying who or what is consuming the network resources and latency details is important for both troubleshooting and planning. Wireshark is a packet sniffer, which is an essential step in actually breaking into someone's wireless system. This course will teach our students how to use Wireshark in an offensive way. The course is designed from a point of view of an ethical hacker on how to hack your target.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Get to know the key features of Wireshark
  • Recognize the essential components of network communication
  • Explore the different methods of setting up a packet capture
  • Analyze packets using the Wireshark tool
  • Analyze client to server communication with Wireshark
  • Examine network traffic and identify potentially malicious traffic
  • Examine the data within the network and how it shows up in Wireshark

Program Curriculum

  • Enabling Monitor Mode
  • Port and IP Filtering
  • Identifying Open, Closed, and Filtered Port with Wireshark
  • Understanding Nmap Scan with Wireshark
  • ICMP Protocol Analysis with Wireshark
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Quiz

  • Analyzing HTTP Packets and Detecting HTTP Errors
  • Check Out Sneaky Non-Standard Port Use
  • Investigating Lost Packets with Wireshark
  • Capturing a Wireless Traffic on a Selected Network
  • Decrypt Wi-Fi Traffic
  • Sniff the Activity Over USB Interfaces
  • Using Wireshark to Detect TCP Delays
  • Quiz

  • How the Credentials Can Be Stolen on HTTP
  • Extract Images from PCAP File Using Wireshark
  • PDF and ZIP File Saving from Wireshark
  • Capture Telnet Password
  • Capture SMTP Password
  • Identifying Hosts and Users with Wireshark
  • Quiz

  • Capture Traffic of a Particular Host
  • Analyze SSL Stripping Attack
  • Detecting Christmas Tree Attack
  • Decrypt SSL and TLS Traffic Using Wireshark
  • Converting PCAP to XML
  • Detecting ICMP Flooding - Smurf Attack
  • Detecting MAC Flooding
  • Detection of ARP Cache Poisoning
  • Examining Tor Traffic
  • Detect Brute Force Attacks
  • Detecting Suspicious Traffic
  • A Deeper Look into a Denial-of-Service Attack
  • Identify a Bot-Infected Host
  • Quiz


Dimitris Amprazis

Dimitris Amprazis has Excellent communication and consultating skills with proven abilities in resolving networking, hardware & software related issues. Ha is proficient in Linux Operating system configuration, utilities, and programming. He has extensive knowledge of hardware, software and networking technologies to provide a combination of analysis and support. Dimitris is highly killed in organizing meetings and reviews. Skills: 1. Kali Linux, Parrot Secutiy OS, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Linux Mint 2. Wireless penetration testing - WPA, WPA2, WEP 3. Network Vulnerability scan and penetration testing.Web 4. Web Application security testing, Vulnerability Assessment, penetration testing and generating reports using tool 5. Password hash cracking MD5, SHA1,SHA2, etc, 6. Experience with tools: Aircrack-ng, Hydra, Burpsuite, Metasploit. OWASP-ZAP, Nmap, Wireshark, Sqlmap, John-Ripper, Nesuss, Nikto, Dirp. 7. Steganography 8. Integration experience on Security information and Event management solutions (SIEM). 9. Network traffic analysis, supervision, filtration and packet dissection with WireShark

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