Course Overview

Continuous integration (CI)/Continuous delivery (CD) pipelines are extremely helpful for software development teams as they automate building, testing, and deployment stages within a software delivery process, thus enabling software and DevOps teams to implement code changes faster and more reliably.  

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that fully automates the software release process for developers and is widely used by DevOps and software teams in coordination with other AWS and third-party services for creating and operating CI/CD pipelines. AWS CodePipeline is also used to incorporate preventive and detective security controls into a CI/CD pipeline within a DevSecOps environment. AWS CodePipeline can easily integrate with other third-party products such as GitHub and Jenkins, allowing developers to customize their software development.

The course will begin with a brief look at Continuous integration and Continuous delivery, and an introduction to AWS CodePipeline. Moving ahead, you’ll learn about the installation process, and how to create, manage and monitor simple pipelines. This will then be followed by an explanation of the security and troubleshooting measures within AWS CodePipeline. Further, you’ll learn to create, deliver, deploy, and monitor a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline. The course will end with a short demonstration of AWS CodePipeline’s integration capabilities with other third-party services.  By the end of the course, you will be able to use AWS CodePipeline to create, deploy and monitor a CI/CD pipeline.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Using AWS CodeCommit
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • and AWS CodeDeploy with AWS CodePipeline
  • AWS CodePipeline third-party service integrations
  • Creating
  • managing
  • and monitoring CI/CD pipelines
  • Learn how to setup and configure CodeDeploy.

Program Curriculum

  • CI/CD Concepts
  • AWS Environment Configuration
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Configurations for CodeCommit
  • CodeCommit Basics
  • CodeCommit Triggers
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • What is CodeBuild?
  • Create Build Project Using the Console
  • Understanding a Build Specification File
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Introduction to CodeDeploy
  • CodeDeploy Setup and Config
  • Configure EC2 Instance for CodeDeploy Deployments
  • Creating an Application, Deployment Group, and Deployment Configuration
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Setup CodePipeline
  • Create Pipeline
  • Managing Pipelines
  • Approval Actions
  • CloudFormation for CodePipeline
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Create Image and Push to an Amazon ECR Repository
  • Create Task Definition and AppSpec File
  • Create Load Balancer and Target Groups
  • Create Amazon ECS Cluster and Service
  • Create CodeDeploy Application and CodePipeline
  • Verify Deployment
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • CodePipeline with GitHub
  • Setup Jenkins for CodePipeline
  • Create Pipeline Using Jenkins
  • Chapter 7 Quiz
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Suleyman Yildirim

Suleyman is an Oracle Certified Java Software Engineer with 9 years of IT experience. He has a strong background in all stages of software development efforts, including requirements definition, design, architecture, development, and testing. He participated in various enterprise web application development projects. He has extensive experience in Spring Ecosystem including Spring Security. Currently, he works as a Senior Java Software Engineer in the mobile telecommunication services domain. He also likes to write about Java on his personal blog to share his knowledge.

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