Course Overview

This learning path, students can gain the necessary expertise in cybersecurity that they seek, while also adapting to the unique environment of the healthcare sector. You'll gain mastery in cybersecurity fundamentals, while you'll also learn how to implement security controls within a healthcare organization.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how malicious hackers can turn your social media against you
  • Understand about connected medical devices
  • Learn about HIPPA compliance
  • Understand how Records Management can help support and improve information security

Program Curriculum

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Information Security
  • Chapter 2: Implementing ISO27001 ' Information Security Standards
  • Chapter 3: Establishing Information Security Roles, Responsibilities, and Governance
  • Chapter 4: Best Practice Document Management and Internat

  • Chapter 1: How to Secure a Healthcare Environment?
  • Chapter 2: How to Recover from a Cyber Attack?
  • Chapter 3: Healthcare Digitalization - The Opportunities
  • Chapter 4: Healthcare Compliance: HIPAA
  • Chapter 5: Healthcare Compliance: HITECH

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Physical Security
  • Chapter 2: Securing Operating Systems
  • Chapter 3: Clear Desk and Removable Media Policy
  • Chapter 4: Internet Security
  • Chapter 5: Diving into Malware and Viruses
  • Chapter 6: Security on Social Networking Sites
  • Chapt

  • Chapter 1: Healthcare vs. Traditional IT Environment
  • Chapter 2: The Attack Surface
  • Chapter 3: Connected Medical Devices - The Nightmare
  • Chapter 4: Cybercrime Faced by Healthcare Industry


Jeff Minakata

Jeff Minakata has worked in the IT industry for over 22 years. He holds various cybersecurity certifications, networking certifications, and engineering certifications such as C|OSINT Certified, trained in CEH v8, CEH v9, CEH v11, CISP, Metasploit certified, Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE), MCSI OSINT Practitioner, and CWA certified. He is an Online Instructor for OSINT, ethical hacking, and network security. He has contracted courses for EC-Council, Udemy, and has written articles for Hackin9 and eForensics magazine. Jeff currently works on the computer networking side and teaches ethical hacking, OSINT, and cybersecurity online. He is passionate about helping people understand OSINT, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity.

May Ladd

May Ladd has 20 Years experience as Senior Consultant, Trainer and Director in the field of Information Security, Data Protection, eDiscovery, Data Governance, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) including Records Management and Document Management. He has worked for a complete cross range of companies within the public and private sectors including: Government, Education, Finance, Legal, Health, Oil/Gas, Professional Services, Charity and Not for Profit. Supported the Implementation of ISO27001 compliance for several organizations. He has 10+ years training experience across UK, Europe, Middle East and SE Asia covering information security, document management, records management and data protection. His qualifications include: • MSc Advanced Software Engineering - Aston University, Birmingham (UK) – Chartered Engineer Accreditation • BSc Mathematical Sciences with Computer Science – City, University of London (UK) • HND Mathematics, Statistics and Computing - Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)

Ahmed Zekraoui

Ahmed works as a Cybersecurity engineer for an IoT operator so that any kind of IoT device can be connected from all over the world using their network. As the majority of people who are interested, or work, in cybersecurity, Ahmed’s passion for this field has started during his university studies. He has been playing for many years with Kali Linux and parrot OS, testing hundreds of attack scenarios and tools using his little VirtualBox environment. Once graduated, he has started working as a Datacenter engineer. It was an amazing experience for him in which, he has discovered the Information technology field and worked with top technologies in different domains: Cloud computing, Networking, Monitoring. That is right, you guessed it, the next step was to jump into cybersecurity word, to practice his passion in a real production environment. Since then, he has been working with companies protecting their network and infrastructure from being hit by hackers.

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Industrial Cybersecurity: Healthcare

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  • Full Video Access
  • Self-Paced Study Guide
  • 6 months of access to virtual labs
  • Once redeemed, this bundle will be valid for 12 months
  • Self-Paced Study Guide
  • Exam Voucher + Retake
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Industrial Cybersecurity: Healthcare

Industrial Cybersecurity: Healthcare