Course Overview

This course is for you if you are new to the Linux Command Line but want to learn it without all the headaches. Linux command line is a cross-cutting skill.  If you are comfortable with the command line, you can learn a lot of different skills very quickly and with minimal hassle.  

In this course, we will start from scratch. This is a very applied course, so we will immediately start with the command line! We will explain everything through the commands and not bore you with dull slides. In fact, there isn't a single slide in this course! If you have never worked with Linux before (or installed it), this course will show you how to set it up in a Virtual Machine with minimal effort. If you already have Linux or Mac, you can use that too. Then, we will start from zero and get you up to the level of expert without dumping too many commands on you. We take a case study-based approach and motivate why we need the commands we're learning. If there is a command that is typically taught in courses but isn't used too often, we skip it so that you learn only the stuff that will be useful to you. 

After taking this course, you will be all set to work with highly useful concepts such as Linux System Administration, setting up architectures for Machine Learning and Deep Learning, working with systems that enable VoIP, and many many more areas.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Learn to use Linux command line
  • Explore the advantages of Command Line instead over Graphical User Interfaces
  • Chain simple commands together to solve real issues
  • Solve complex tasks through the command line
  • Gain proficiency over the mighty Vi editor

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

  • Basics
  • Working with Directories
  • Working with Files
  • History and Fast-Tracking Command Entry
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Pipes and Chaining Commands (The Power of Composition)
  • Redirecting Output to Files (and the Why of it)
  • Remove, Move and Some Other Stuff
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Disc Usage and Folder Sizes
  • Keyboard Shortcuts (and How they Can Help You Out)
  • Finding Files with Powerful Criteria
  • Tailing Files (and the Power of Debugging)

  • Process Listings
  • CPU/Memory Information -- the Way of the Pros

  • Interfaces and Ports
  • Case Study: Download YouTube Playlist
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Why VI
  • Moving Around
  • Delete, Undo, Copy, Paste

  • Ownership Explained through a Case Study
  • Permissions and Security

ZSH, Syntax Highlighting, Prettifying the Terminal

  • SSH -- Connecting to Remote Machines
  • Executing Long-running Remote Commands (No Hangup at Disconnect)
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Dr. Mohammad Nauman

Dr. Mohammad Nauman has a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences and a PostDoc from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. He has been programming since early 2000 and has worked with many different languages, tools, and platforms. He has extensive research experience with many state-of-the-art models to his name. His research in Android security has led to some major shifts in the Android permission model.

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