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Raul Morales
Raul Morales is an Information Security Consultor with more than 20 years in the IT industry, he has a master's degree in Information Security and has multiple technical certifications including Security+, CEH, and CISSP. Raul has been a Sysadmin for 14 years in multiple OS including HPUX, CentOS, RedHat, and of course OpenBSD, during this time being the client-facing consultor determining customer needs and designing the multiple solutions custom-made for their needs. Also, Raul has been a trainer for his multiple customers, mostly onboarding new hires into the process, with the mission to create excellent professionals and leaders in their field. Raul has authored multiple articles about general security topics for,, and his personal blog, all of them in plain language with the goal of sharing the importance of security and seeding curiosity from the general public.
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