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Toulu Akerele
Toulu Akerele is a multilingual data privacy expert and security consultant who has worked in Paris, London, Tel Aviv, and Lagos, across diverse cultures, languages and environments, including think tanks and consultancy firms. Toulu is a CIPP/E and CIPM holder, in addition to a Lead Implementer in ISO 27001 (ISMS), ISO 27701 (PIMS), and ISO 22301 (BCMS). She also holds an array of OneTrust certifications such as Certified Privacy Professional, Expert Data Mapping Automation amongst others. Toulu has conducted Data Protection Compliance Audits for over ten globally renowned companies, implemented a Privacy Program Framework. Her wealth of knowledge in data privacy and information security led her to become the global Data Protection Officer and ISMS Manager at a leading fintech. Toulu has been invited to speak as a panelist on data protection in multiple countries, and her company is a licenced Data Protection Compliance Organisation. Toulu is passionate about data privacy and compliance to data protection laws, which leads her to share her knowledge in a bid to Train-the-Trainer. She has led numerous training programs – for her own internal staff, external clients, and DPOs (Data Protection Officers). She is known for the clarity of her presentations and ability to simplify the subject into digestible bite sized formats.
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.