Course Overview

The global situation of the pandemic and the imposed lockdown, combined with an increase in the time spent on the internet to access online services, provided an opportunity for cybercriminals and challenged organizations to protect their businesses and ensure their service delivery. This transition made small and medium businesses struggle to secure their assets and protect employees who shifted to remote work and were using their home networks, sometimes insecure or personal devices for work purposes. Consequently, the situation led cybercriminals to increase the attack frequency and take advantage of the new working models as well as the stress and anxiety of the employees to target them. Several organizations suffered from data breaches and attacks that disrupted their businesses for weeks.

If you seek to avoid potential threats, it is important to understand there is no magical solution to cybercrime but cyber readiness which requires any organization to properly build their cyber security program with precise alignment to their business. 

This course’s focus and main objectives are to grant you the knowledge around “how to build your organization’s security strategy” or “how to raise your organization’s security maturity level”.

Technical prowess is not a key requirement to following this course but throughout the sections, you’ll get introduced to Cybersecurity fundamentals in a practical fashion. You will get familiar with your adversary and their arsenal before diving into the methods and processes you need to follow in order to get ready to face the threats lurking around your business.

By the end of this course, you will get a clear picture of the security posture in your organization, and you will be able to assess your maturity level. Based on this assessment, it will be straightforward to apply the recommendations explained in this course to build the strategy that suits best your maturity level.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain an understanding of threat landscape and common cyber threats and countermeasures.
  • Evaluate cyber risk and prioritize accordingly.
  • Protect your business from cyber-attacks and threat actors that may impact your business continuity.
  • Build your cybersecurity program or level up your current cybersecurity strategy.
  • Learn how to evaluate your cyber readiness.

Program Curriculum

  • Basic Security Principles
  • Essential Concepts of Security
  • Why Security Is Important for Small and Medium Businesses?
  • $3.5 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Overview Of the Threat Landscape for Small and Medium Businesses
  • Common Security Vulnerabilities
  • Malware Threats
  • Social Engineering Threats
  • Endpoint Threats
  • Authentication Threats
  • Sensitive Data Exposure and Leaks
  • Denial-of-Service Attacks
  • Insider Threats
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Develop Your Security Strategy
  • Understanding Risk Management
  • Understand Your Maturity Level and Optimize Your Security Posture
  • Crisis Response for Small and Medium Businesses
  • SASE and Zero-trust for Small and Medium Businesses
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Protecting Your Employees
  • Protecting Your Customers
  • Protecting Your Brand
  • Securing Your Endpoints
  • Securing Your Credentials
  • Chapter 4 Quiz


Alyssa Berriche

Alyssa Berriche is an alumnus of the National Institute of Applied Science and Technology with a degree in Network and Telecommunications engineering. She is currently a Lead Cyber Threat Analyst with +5 years of professional experience in the cybersecurity field and +4 years of experience in teaching cybersecurity in private/public universities and e-learning platforms. She presents in local cybersecurity conferences and webinars. She mentors local security groups and students since 2014. She is the author of the course “Advanced Cyber Threat Intelligence” in Cybrary. She also would love to share knowledge through writing technical articles in her blog Digitalys-Mag. Certifications: GCTI, ISO/IEC 27032 Cybersecurity Management, ISO/IEC 27001 LA

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