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Tom van Arman
Tom van Arman is an architect, urban planner, and technologist who uses IoT, AI, open data & APIs to create more social and inclusive cities. In 2010 he founded Tapp, an award-winning smart city design agency enabling local governments and industries to bridge the gap between our physical surroundings and the new digital landscape. Tom works regularly with local governments, energy companies, and mobility partners to rapidly prototype solutions to solve problems for the 21st-century city. In 2020 Tom developed the world’s first open-source crowd insights monitor for policy-makers and authorities to safely manage public space during the COVID pandemic and the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship. Tapp continues today to develop responsible urban technologies for the Amsterdam Chief Technology, Amsterdam Metropolitan Solutions Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (Former Navy Base), Amsterdam Smart City, and many more authorities and industries. He is a popular speaker at international conferences and a regular lecturer for colleges and universities.
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