This course is ideal for individuals who desire to pass the Information Systems Security Professional CISSP Certification Exam and want to gain more insight and knowledge around IT, Information, and Cyber Security from a management/senior leader perspective.
This course is ideal for individuals who desire to pass the I...
9 hr 58 m
This course is ideal for individuals who desire to pass the Information Systems Security Professional CISSP Certification Exam and want to gain more insight and knowledge around IT, Information, and Cyber Security from a management/senior leader perspective.
This course is ideal for individuals who desire to pass the I...
6 hr 30 m
Effective Governance over Information and Technology (IT) is Critical to Business Success, and COBIT 2019 Builds on and Integrates more than 25 years of development in this field, not only incorporating new insights from Science but also operationalizing these insights as Practice.
Effective Governance over Information and Technology (IT) is ...
2 hr 32 m
Governance Risk and Compliance
Effective Governance over Information and Technology (IT) is Critical to Business Success, and COBIT 2019 Builds on and Integrates more than 25 years of development in this field, not only incorporating new insights from Science but also operationalizing these insights as Practice.
Effective Governance over Information and Technology (IT) is ...
2 hr 42 m
Gain engineering confidence in your code through SonarQube
Gain engineering confidence in your code through SonarQube
4 hr 0 m
Software Development
Learn how to manage your projects with the world's most commonly used version control system.
Learn how to manage your projects with the world's most commo...
4 hr 38 m
Know your enemy and explore the most prolific and effective cybersecurity attacks and defend your enterprise against them.
Know your enemy and explore the most prolific and effective c...
1 hr 18 m
Learn to Influence and Impress as a Communications Champion
Learn to Influence and Impress as a Communications Champion
4 hr 0 m
Industrial Security Controls
A Practical Guide to IoT Communication Technologies & Protocols for Next Gen Solutions
A Practical Guide to IoT Communication Technologies & Pro...
4 hr 0 m
Security Architecture and Operations
Automate repetitive tasks with Bash Shell Scripting to save valuable time
Automate repetitive tasks with Bash Shell Scripting to save v...
18 hr 10 m
Job Interview skills and workshop to get the dream job.
Job Interview skills and workshop to get the dream job.
2 hr 52 m
Software Development
Automate the repetitive tasks with Python Scripting
Automate the repetitive tasks with Python Scripting
24 hr 50 m
Master Python scripting for automation from scratch. You’ll learn core and advanced Python with real-time practice, including how to read CSV files, define and use functions, paramiko module to work with remote servers, and more.$79.99
Gain the core skills within the field of IT Security to identify and prevent cyber threats while safeguarding and improving the security posture of your organization
Gain the core skills within the field of IT Security to ident...
8 hr 0 m
Empowering Cyber Defenses with Computational Intelligence
Empowering Cyber Defenses with Computational Intelligence
5 hr 37 m
Data Science
Math, Tips, Tricks, and brief concepts to make data science fun!
Math, Tips, Tricks, and brief concepts to make data science f...
6 hr 7 m
Learn the most recommended practices to investigate a computer, that contains evidence in both criminal and civil investigations
Learn the most recommended practices to investigate a compute...
4 hr 0 m
Security Architecture and Operations
Computer Network Security Technologies and Tools for Network admins and Cyber Security Officers
Computer Network Security Technologies and Tools for Network ...
8 hr 15 m
Artificial Intelligence
Quickly Build Python Deep Learning based Face Detection, Recognition, Emotion , Gender and Age Classification Systems
Quickly Build Python Deep Learning based Face Detection, Reco...
4 hr 18 m
Artificial Intelligence
What is in that image? Here is your best toolbox to handle images. From pixels to meanings. From a Python Engineer to a Deep Learning Engineer
What is in that image? Here is your best toolbox to handle im...
5 hr 0 m
Artificial Intelligence
YOLO: Pre-trained Coco Dataset and Custom Trained Coronavirus Object Detection Model with Google Colab GPU Training
YOLO: Pre-trained Coco Dataset and Custom Trained Coronavirus...
3 hr 35 m
Skill PathLearn to perform scanning and attacking effectively
2 Premium Courses
11 hr 53 m
Learn to perform scanning and attacking effectively
Looking from different angles to secure containers that are living on Kubernetes platforms.
Looking from different angles to secure containers that are l...
4 hr 30 m
Cloud Security
Container and Pods security in Kubernetes environments with blending theory and practical knowledge along with Continuous Compliancy
Container and Pods security in Kubernetes environments with b...
4 hr 30 m
Cloud Security
Containerize your applications with Containers and Kubernetes on Azure Platform
Containerize your applications with Containers and Kubernetes...
1 hr 30 m
Automate your deployments and update your applications on Kubernetes with ease using ArgoCD.
Automate your deployments and update your applications on Kub...
4 hr 0 m
Cloud Security
Learn about Infrastructure Development with Azure
Learn about Infrastructure Development with Azure
4 hr 0 m
Security Architecture and Operations
Transforming Cybersecurity: Hands-On Strategies for Building Resilient Defenses in Today’s Dynamic Threat Landscape
Transforming Cybersecurity: Hands-On Strategies for Building ...
4 hr 12 m
Software Development
Learn the Basics of Flutter and Firebase by Creating an App from Scratch
Learn the Basics of Flutter and Firebase by Creating an App f...
7 hr 56 m
Learn, implement, and evaluate cryptography with cryptanalysis.
Learn, implement, and evaluate cryptography with cryptanalysi...
4 hr 13 m
Cloud Security
A Complete Beginner’s Guide for Understanding Blockchain and Cryptocurrency concepts from Basics to Advanced
A Complete Beginner’s Guide for Understanding Blockchain and ...
4 hr 44 m
Security Architecture and Operations
The basics of side-channel analysis attacks, fault attacks, and countermeasures
The basics of side-channel analysis attacks, fault attacks, a...
4 hr 57 m
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