Industrial Security Controls
Learn how to hack and exploit hardware from the foundations and become a great hardware pentesting expert.
Learn how to hack and exploit hardware from the foundations a...
4 hr 0 m
Your practical and offensive workshop for newcomers to ICS/OT Security 2023
Your practical and offensive workshop for newcomers to ICS/OT...
2 hr 0 m
Career Path
Learn how to apply and manage the most widespread cyber security risk management framework to any organization.
3 Premium Courses
15 hr 21 m
Learn how to apply and manage the most widespread cyber secur...
Industrial Security Controls
Conducting Reverse Engineering on Internet of Things Firmware for Fun and Profit
Conducting Reverse Engineering on Internet of Things Firmware...
2 hr 24 m
Industrial Security Controls
An introductory course for students with limited knowledge of the Mainframe platform
An introductory course for students with limited knowledge of...
4 hr 33 m
Security Architecture and Operations
Perform real-time intrusion detection with OSSEC.
Perform real-time intrusion detection with OSSEC.
2 hr 55 m
Vulnerability Assessment and Pentesting
Practical course to Linux Fundamentals for pentesting & bug bounties
Practical course to Linux Fundamentals for pentesting & b...
4 hr 30 m
Vulnerability Assessment and Pentesting
Develop your own undetectable Linux malware using the Go programming language
Develop your own undetectable Linux malware using the Go prog...
1 hr 30 m
Cloud Security
Strengthen the security of your Oracle Database environments with in-built and external security measures.
Strengthen the security of your Oracle Database environments ...
6 hr 30 m
Artificial Intelligence
Implement Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Learn the foundations of practical AI models from scratch and how to use Transfer Learning for state-of-the-art results on real-world data sets.
Implement Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision and Natura...
4 hr 0 m
Security Architecture and Operations
A guide for securing Spring Boot applications
A guide for securing Spring Boot applications
4 hr 13 m
Data Science
Data Mining is used as one of the used tools in the current industry & this course will take you from basic to a deep understanding of ‘Data Mining as a Tool”
Data Mining is used as one of the used tools in the current i...
3 hr 0 m
Learn how to hack websites and web applications like black hat hackers, and to secure them from hackers
Learn how to hack websites and web applications like black ha...
11 hr 22 m
Software Development
Create and Optimize Webpack5 configurations and more!
Create and Optimize Webpack5 configurations and more!
3 hr 0 m
Your ultimate course to becoming a Wireshark expert
Your ultimate course to becoming a Wireshark expert
2 hr 20 m
Develop a foolproof preparation routine to build unwavering confidence for your interview.
Develop a foolproof preparation routine to build unwavering c...
3 hr 4 m
Security Architecture and Operations
Understand the impact of privacy risks, the legal and ethical context, and tools to prevent and minimize incidents.
Understand the impact of privacy risks, the legal and ethical...
3 hr 16 m
Industrial Security Controls
Be privacy-aware where every “thing” is watching you.
Be privacy-aware where every “thing” is watching you.
3 hr 52 m
Governance Risk and Compliance
Build confidence in personal information management in your organization
Build confidence in personal information management in your o...
7 hr 0 m
Skill Path
Gain expertise in one of the most underrated but useful skill in ethical hacking.
10 Premium Courses
49 hr 21 m
Gain expertise in one of the most underrated but useful skill...
Skill Path
Become a High-level Programmer Equipped with Secure Software Development Skills in C, C++, Java
3 Premium Courses
21 hr 21 m
Become a High-level Programmer Equipped with Secure Software ...
Security Architecture and Operations
To create, develop and manage a cybersecurity project using the project management
To create, develop and manage a cybersecurity project using t...
4 hr 0 m
Skill Path
What is Microsoft Azure Security Center, how does it work, and why is it important for modern businesses?
4 Premium Courses
34 hr 3 m
What is Microsoft Azure Security Center, how does it work, an...
Learn how to protect yourself online and understand the importance of internet safety
Learn how to protect yourself online and understand the impor...
1 hr 36 m
Security Architecture and Operations
The ultimate step in fortifying companies against advanced threats, and equipping security professionals to prevent, detect, and respond to attacks on corporate networks.
The ultimate step in fortifying companies against advanced th...
8 hr 48 m
Software Development
Enter the world of reusable state with React hooks.
Enter the world of reusable state with React hooks.
3 hr 57 m
Software Development
Get start developing applications for the real world.
Get start developing applications for the real world.
8 hr 25 m
Artificial Intelligence
Unlock the Power of Generative AI with Python: From Text to Image, Chatbots to Virtual Assistants
Unlock the Power of Generative AI with Python: From Text to I...
3 hr 0 m
Software Development
An easy introduction to one of the most powerful and popular languages
An easy introduction to one of the most powerful and popular ...
2 hr 0 m
Software Development
Learn how to implement an automation framework from scratch using a real web application.
Learn how to implement an automation framework from scratch u...
11 hr 12 m
Data Science
Learn all the SQL skills you need to know to develop, manipulate, manage, and communicate with relational databases.
Learn all the SQL skills you need to know to develop, manipul...
4 hr 54 m
What every business and individual needs to Know Before, During, After an Attack
What every business and individual needs to Know Before, Duri...
0 hr 39 m
Learn to build modern, beautiful & powerful Native iOS and Android Apps leveraging JavaScript.
Learn to build modern, beautiful & powerful Native iOS an...
4 hr 0 m
Software Development
Create web apps that are robust, quick, user-friendly, and responsive.
Create web apps that are robust, quick, user-friendly, and re...
2 hr 0 m
From React.js Fundamentals to Crafting an Online Storefront
From React.js Fundamentals to Crafting an Online Storefront
3 hr 30 m
Cloud Security
The Practicals of Rapid Threat Detection using Elastic Stack,DataDog and Graylog
The Practicals of Rapid Threat Detection using Elastic Stack,...
3 hr 0 m